Desperately seeking Claudia…

well we weren’t really but after a very cultural day out in London we found ourself with this lady on the red carpet! (We start with a German Woman we will end with an Italian Woman..bear with me)


So how did it all happen …well out and about with Glasto Girl, stop one was the ICA and the Bloomberg Contemporaries – some interesting and very memorable  stuff …nothing that totally got me…apart from the sandcastle which was rather fab – the six year old would have loved it too…

Rubbish photo of Jonathan Meir's fab sand castle , it was big!
Rubbish photo of Jonathan Meir’s fab sand castle , it was big!

…..a lot of video stuff which I disliked intensely, great space.  Julie Verhoeven – Whiskers Between My Legs – interesting  (and some great disco music) sound, video and textiles installation….but made me feel very negative, totally get what she’s saying but I prefer the celebration,  I think we get knocked enough..



Then on to see my piece at                                           The Mall Galleries.   What a great space. Have also added exponentially to my learning  curve –   the reason it didn’t actually make it on to the wall at first was I’d put the flippin back on back to front! So a big thank you to Dawn Thorne and her bag of nails and big hammer.  I am now up and I am officially hung in my second London exhibition. Lots of lovely stuff to see at the galleries and I’ve actually sold… a card for three quid ….so not going to be booking my flight to Antigua just yet…

Keep on running...
Keep on running…

Next stop afternoon tea at the National Gallery and on to the National Portrait Gallery to see my mate Grayson’s work….strangely he hasn’t called me about my box yet.



Desperately running out of time we legged it back to the National to try to see The Rokeby Venus cos I want to include it in my next piece.  My favourite thing in the whole world to do is to think of one great painting run in to the National, ask where it is and go straight to it without looking at anything else….(a bit sad but it makes me happy).

the Rokesby Venus Velasquez
the Rokeby Venus Velasquez

Anyway I digress… The Rokeby  Venus  was  attacked by suffragette  Mary Richardson in 1914. (Did you know women weren’t allowed in to the National Gallery afterwards without a man to vouch for their actions and ladies needed to remove their muffs incase  they were hiding knives therein… amazing is that!!! And here endeth the history lesson.)


imageGreat bit about suffragette history-  totally coincidental in the national portrait gallery…all my art work is fate!!!! – Anyway absolutely loved Grayson but sadly the Rokeby Venus is on flippin loan to Belgium or somewehere! So sadly have imageto make do with the iPad version for the time being!! Also no time to see Freud’s gift of Corot’s  ‘Italian Woman’ (having a bit of an ‘anything connected to Freud’ is fab phase) so have included here especially for you in this blog …watch out for her as she will appear with my next pieces along side Venus, the heart and its workings.. don’t ask it’s Y6 biology and it just seems to fit….in keeping with all I am trying to comes from the heart!  Anyway if you are still following this Sarah,  off we meandered to Shaftesbury Ave to see Les Mis which was  great!( I didn’t like the film but the stage show was fab!) and as we traipsed towards Wardour Street we came across a film premiere and that’s how we ended up on the red carpet with Claudia of course!

the Italian Woman
                        the Italian Woman

I love days like this, loads of inspiration, I have had to be surgically removed from my sketch book to write this blog  and it’s taken a while…….another small daliance is that I am also am totally stressing over my new mobile phone contract…..totally boring all the people I know with tariff options and irrelevant hand-set facts – so have to put a phone in my work somewhere.

imageNo finished bits to show but here are some backgrounds that I am going to stitch into and see what happens..still planning to make my ladies into triptych and also to make a coat!! image Oh  and I made a purse and it’s

imageshocking..terrible zip insertion won’t be able to show Lynn..but I love it!!!

P.S. I have got more stuff to say about Romsey Abbey but it will keep for another day.

GG and me....
GG and me….on the red carpet
Col, take that...
Alicia and Col, Take That…also on the red carpet with us…